Speak 60+ languages by simply touching a button - "Even my 60-year-old mother loves this device"


My name is Nicole, and I am a 31 year old Nomad. In the past 7 years homeless, I have visited more than 50 countries. I've lived for months in countries like Thailand, Mexico, Turkey, Spain, Nicaragua and South Africa. If you like to travel or if you want to travel more often, you will like this exclusive gadget that I will comment on.

What if you could communicate with ANYONE in the world, no matter the language of your interlocutor? It may sound like a Star Trek movie, but that's exactly what MUAMA Enence does! This instantaneous translator translates more than 60+ languages in real time by simply pressing a button. As a frequent traveler, I can't get enough of it and it's so good that I even bought one for my mother last month, so that she would be safe while traveling. Here is my honest review.

Firstly it is very useful in emergencies

Tell me, how to ask your way if you are lost?
How do you negotiate a taxi without being ripped off?
How to contact the police or search for a specific medical treatment, if something happens to you?
It's very difficult when you don't speak the language of the country.

And that's what happened to my 60-year-old mother when we were in Russia ...

In the 1990s, my mother, my father and I were on vacation in Russia .... Unfortunately, my mother fell ill during the night: severe stomach pain, headache and a fever ...

We learned a few hours later that she suffered from "food poisoning" ...

he had tried everything for several minutes to explain her problem to the manager of our hotel ... She imitated signs of stomach pain to ask to see a doctor ... But, the hotel concierge did not understand a word and he called the hotel room service, thinking that my mother was hungry ...

My mother finally got out of it and got the proper medical care, but in a situation like that, it would be really helpful to communicate in a foreign language.

When mom and dad are traveling now, they always choose "all inclusive hotels" and barely leave the hotel. She tells me that once they arrive in another country, they feel lost because of the language barrier.

I gave my mother a MUAMA Enence for her birthday and she says it gave her confidence again to explore new cultures!

My mom really likes her translator

How this gadget helped me explore new cultures

Exploring new cultures is my favorite part of traveling! It's these amazing dishes "secrets" or this beautiful beach, away from our routine, which makes me love so much traveling ...

When I was in Thailand 3 months ago, I decided to go on a mission: to discover a new dish of Thai cuisine. In a small family restaurant, I used my MUAMA Enence to ask the waitress for her favorite dish. Her eyes lit up when the gadget started to speak. 10 minutes later, she served me Khao Soi: a curry soup made from coconut milk served with large wheat noodles, meat and a pinch of fried noodles. Best dish I have had in ages!

I discovered a new dish in a local restaurant with my MUAMA Enence device

How does technology work?

Let's take a look under the hood. MUAMA Enence is created in Japan: the country of advanced technology, the best robots, .. and the best voice technology. Although this is a small device, it is very powerful and easy to use ...

➢ All you have to do is to choose the language in which you communicate. Just click the "A" button and start talking.

➢ Then release the "A" button and your instant translator "MUAMA Enence" will automatically translate what you just said into the selected language.

➢ Press the "B" button - let your foreign friend speak. Then release the "B" button and your instant translator "MUAMA Enence" automatically translate what he or she says in your native language.

See it in action

Video Thumbnail

What languages are preinstalled in the MUAMA Enence?

MUAMA Enence allows you to communicate in more than 60+ languages. It provides a fast and accurate translation, which greatly facilitates conversations with strangers. And the device works both ways! ALL supported languages are interchangeable.

My opinion - Buy it while it is still available

MUAMA Enence really changes your life and the way you travel. It has already been featured in all the major media and on tv and social media. This is why this product has been sold like crazy, but the stock will not last long because stocks are limited. I recommend ordering the Translator MUAMA Enence while it is still available.

For a limited time, this device is available with a 70% off reduction.


  • Speak in any language in seconds!
  • Can also be used as a charger for your phone.
  • Long battery life.


  • Low stock available

How can I buy the MUAMA Enence?

Order the MUAMA Enence on the official website.

Click here to benefit from a 70% discount offered to our readers

MUAMA Enence is a great gift idea for you or your family!

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